social media

Social Media Impact : Good or Bad

Earlier there is a lot of difficulties faced by the people to communicate with their friends, Colleagues, families etc. If anyone want to send a message to anyone you have to wait for 1 week or more. But after enhancement of advanced technology, we can easily communicate with people within a sec or min. Internet based social media tools like email, facebook, whatsapp and YouTube that revolutionized the way humans interact with one another and take knowlegde from it.

Today Social media is a fast growing platform and becoming popular these days because of its wonderful features. It provides us a chance to be connected with each other across distances. Different people have different opinion about this topic. So, here we dicuss about the Social media is good or bad for us.

How social media is good for us

If we look at the positive side of social media we will find there is a lot of benefits. All the information as we want we got it in one click. During this pandemic of 2020, Students can learn and educate themselves on various topic subjects.

We can attend and learn various topics through live lectures due to social media like google classroom, zoom , Microsoft team, Cisco Webex Meeting,etc..

More people get news through social media it saves time rather than read a newspaper. So, they are depending on the Social Media.

Moreover, it also gives a wonderful platform for young Artist to show their talent for free. You can also get an golfen opportunity for employment through social media like You tube , free lancing etc..

Many business are shifted offline to online and they promoting it their businesses through social media. Social media offers you great opportunities for connecting with the customer and it become hub for advertising.

How social media is bad for us.

There are many reasons that social media is good for us, but there is Some negative side of social media is also there. So, here we see what the reason behind negative side of Social media is ?.

It break your privacy like never before. Excess Sharing happening on social media makes children a target for hackers and predators.All things are monitored all the times that you sharing on Social media.

Next is Addiction towards social media which is common among the youth. This addiction leads with the academic performance of a students as they waste their time on social media in place of studying.

Health is also disturbed especially for the children due to social media. As we use social media and we saw a picture of Burger, Pizza & Fast-food etc. and children insist the parents to eat the fast food which case health problem.

Fake news is also spreading like a smell, which poisons the mind of peace Citizens.  Many fake news makes our mind that we are thinking negative instead of positive about the people and something else due to social media.



In short, I concluded it that there is ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ impact of Social Media. But, It all depends on the people that what he want. The Youth have to balance their academic performances. Physical activities and social media . Excess use of everything is harmful and the same thing applies to social media . There are two options either waste your time on it and regret later or learn from the social media and achieve your goals and rise high it depends on you. Always understand that we (youth) are the future of India we have to develop it by learning through the social media.


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